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School Council

Each class elect  two school councillors through an election process in the Autumn Term to represent the pupils’ opinions.  The School Council meets approximately once a month at lunchtime.  As part of their duties the School Council discuss particular rules and their implementation and help implement new ideas.  They may also raise issues from their class meetings which are then discussed with the Headteacher and may also be discussed at the Governor's Curriculum Committee. 

Below is a list of the current School Council:

  • Year 6: Preethy, Reon, Nadine & Riley
  • Year 5: Zuzanna, Kyle, Amira & Ezra
  • Year 4: Romeo, Khyla, Alexandra & Finley
  • Year 3: Bobbi-Mae, Rakish, Darcie-Blu & Rayner
  • Year 2: Emily-Mae, Thashvin, Hanaa & Mason
  • Year 1: Isabella, Aashna, Szymon & Dominica
  • Reception: (Year 6 representatives)
  • Mrs Sugunasingha is the Staff Facilitator
  • Mr Tom Goose is the School Council's Link Governor
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