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Eco Zone

Eco-Ambassadors - Green Team

The Eco-Ambassadors meet approximately once a month.  As part of their duties they discuss How to create a more ecological school and community and they help implement any new ideas.  The Eco-Ambassadors also ensure the recycling bins are collected on a daily basis, reminding classes what can be recycled and which items cannot be at present. They may also raise issues from their class which are then discussed with the Headteacher and may also be discussed at the Governor's Curriculum Committee. 

Below is a list of the current Eco-Ambassadors:

  • Year 6: Rakshana & Brooke
  • Year 5: Johnny & Sabika
  • Year 4: Julia & Iker
  • Year 3: Nicole & Lily
  • Year 2: Jamie & Savannah
  • Year 1: Jake & Wilf
  • Mrs Grayson- Healey is the Staff Facilitator
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