Mission Statement and Aims
The children and staff at Haslemere created our mission statement. The children and their families came up with the core values and purpose of the school and as a staff team we created the new statement.
At Haslemere we INSPIRE: Inclusive, Nurture, Safe, Persevere, Independent, Respect, Educate.
Whole School Aims :
- To provide a happy, secure and caring learning environment where everyone thrives feeling safe, confident, valued and the wellbeing of each and every individual is a priority.
- To encourage and inspire all pupils to achieve their true potential academically, socially, emotionally and physically through inclusive practice.
- To provide all children with a broad & balanced creative curriculum which is suitable for the context of the school.
- To prepare our pupils to lead full and successful lives as future citizens of an increasingly demanding world.
- To develop a Leadership team which has robust systems in place to sustain the judgment of a ‘good or better’ school.
- For all staff to receive career development and feel supported in their roles.
- To maintain strong relationships with parents, ensuring that parents feel they know and understand about their child’s progress and how to support learning at home.