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School Uniform

Is the school aiming to reduce the cost of school uniform?

Yes - uniform can be costly for parents and carers especially at secondary level. The DfE issued guidance (September 2022) for schools to reduce uniform costs and to make it more affordable. 

We try very hard to help keep costs down by taking steps to remove unnecessary branded items and allowing more high-street options such as supermarket plimsolls, trainers, shoes, shirts, joggers and trousers. We hold regular second hand uniform sales outside school every half term after school where good quality uniform can be purchased cheaply. 

What branded items do I need to purchase?

At Haslemere Primary, the only branded item that needs to be purchased from the uniform shop is the cardigan sweatshirt or jumper sweatshirt depending on what you wish your child to wear.  If your child starts school in Reception it is also useful to have a school bookbag. 

All other items can be from high street stores. 

School Uniform Shop

School uniform can be purchased direct from School Uniform Direct, who are based at Unit 5 Mitcham Industrial Estate, Streatham Road, Mitcham, CR4 2AP or via the internet at School Uniform Direct

To find your nearest branch and opening times please click HERE


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