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Key Information

School Improvement Priorities 2024 - 2025

Quality of Education

1. To improve writing attainment at Key Stage 2 so data is at least in line with National Standards.

2. To improve all students’ outcomes by implementing a consistent approach and assessment methodology to writing across the school.

3. Implement effective adaptive teaching methods further to support pupils with English as an Additional Language.

4. Embed adaptive teaching methods to support learners with SEND.

5. To develop a music offer that meets the National Plan for Music Education requirements.

6. Review and refine the broad and balanced whole school curriculum and ensure it represents our diverse community.

Behaviour and Attendance

7. To improve attendance, with a focus on decreasing persistent absence. 

8. To design and implement a new Behaviour Policy based on a trauma-informed approach.

Personal Development

9. To develop pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge by creating a sensory room to meet the needs of the children.

Leadership and Management

10. To ensure that all governors understand their respective roles and perform these in a way that enhances the effectiveness of the school. 

11. Leaders ensure they consider the workload and well-being of all staff. 

12. To develop the aesthetics of the internal school.

Schools KS2 Attainment

Validated data 2024 2024
  Haslemere School National
Reading Expected Level 83.3% 74.2%
Writing Expected Level 59.3% 71.8%
Maths Expected Level 77.8% 73.1%
Reading, Writing, Maths combined 59.3% 60.6%
Reading Higher Level 27% 28.5%
Writing Higher Level 9% 12.9%
Maths Higher Level 36% 23.8%


Equality Duty and Objectives

Haslemere Pupil Premium

Haslemere Sports Premium

Latest Ofsted Report 2020

Parent View

OFSTED seek the views of parents at schools via a web based survey. We would like you to complete this survey for us, so that when OFSTED do prepare and plan for our inspection they have a feel for the parental views. It will also help us to see what parents feel about specific areas of the school. 

 1. http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk will take you to the Parent View website.

 2. Click on “Give your views now” and you will be asked to register or login. You just need an email address to register.

 3. Once logged in you are asked to answer 14 questions about the school.

Thank you for completing this survey.

If you do not have a computer or an email address or if you would like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask at reception.

Financial Information

School Employees

  • Number of school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more - 0

School's Financial Bench Marking Service

  • To see our school's financial benchmarking service.  Click here Benchmarking

Copies of documentation

Copies of documentation are available free of charge on request to the headteacher via the info@haslemere.merton.sch.uk email address.

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