Science Intent:
At Haslemere, we take an enquiry based approach to teaching Science allowing children to channel and use their curiosity. Pupils are encouraged to carry out enquiries to discover new learning. By making predictions and forming hypotheses, pupils make their own discoveries which are remembered more clearly than theory-based research. We want our children not merely to be able to repeat facts and memorised knowledge; we want them to be driven on to question, ‘What next..?’ or ‘What if...?’ Science is a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us. Science in our school is about developing children’s curiosity and excitement about the world they live in and encourage them to question and develop their own ideas.
Implementation: Science planning follows the Science Progression Ladders, produced by the Science leader, which ensure sequenced lessons, consistency and progression through the school.
Impact: In KS1 and KS2, the National Curriculum sets out the science content and working scientifically statements that pupils are expected to achieve. Formative assessment is the basis for assessment in Science. Science work, where appropriate, will be recorded in science books; evidence may also be photographic. Assessments are recorded on SIMs each term.