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P4C Intent:

Philosophy for Children is an integral part of the teaching and learning approach at Haslemere. It promotes a forum for open dialogue in which participants are not content to exchange ideas and opinions as if they were bits of information, instead they ask questions, sift arguments and explore alternatives. Approaching our Curriculum in a philosophical way means looking beneath the surface, beyond the facts, to the questions and concepts that interest children and our teachers! (Research by the Education Endowment Foundation shows that SAPERE P4C improves outcomes in literacy and numeracy, particularly for children facing disadvantage. Research from the Nuffield Foundation further shows that SAPERE P4C improves communication skills, teamwork and resilience.)

Implementation: We carry out a P4C ‘enquiry’ 3 x term, the pedagogy of P4C feeds throughout our daily subjects.

Impact: Each class has their own ‘P4C Learning Journal’ where we evidence and keep a reminder of the P4C enquiries.

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