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Mathematics Intent:

At Haslemere, we teach Maths through a ‘Mastery’ approach. This means that children are constantly working to develop their maths understanding, skills, and knowledge, rather than achieving certain criteria and being subsequently moved on. Our mastery approach emphasises achievement and challenge for all. An emphasis on depth of understanding is central to our maths curriculum.

Implementation: We follow the White Rose planning to ensure sequenced planning, consistency and coverage through the year groups. In EYFS we also take a mastery approach to Number, following a ‘Numbersense’ theme.

Impact: We assess the children through on-going teacher assessment of maths, through the daily work in their books and contributions in lessons, and where appropriate the use of the White Rose assessment materials. Assessments are recorded on SIMs each term.


Our Aim at Haslemere is  to ensure that all children enjoy  and feel confident in learning maths.

At Haslemere, we use the principle of Teaching Mastery to underpin our approach to the teaching of mathematics. We are working alongside the South West London Maths Hub and utilising the White Rose curriculum.  Teaching for mastery in Maths is essentially the expectation that all pupils will gain a deep understanding of the maths they are learning.  Pupils spend longer on fewer key mathematical concepts whilst working on them at greater depth. For understanding in Maths to be secure, learning needs to be built on solid foundations. At Haslemere, when the children are introduced to a new concept, children should have the opportunity to build competency by taking the CPA approach (concrete-pictorial-abstract).

The CPA approach

Concrete – providing children with objects and resources to manipulate in order to demonstrate their mathematical thinking.

Pictorial – providing opportunities for children to represent their mathematical thinking through diagrams, images, drawings or models.

Abstract – providing opportunities for children to become more familiar with formal mathematical representations including signs, symbols and digits.

Children at Haslemere are encouraged to foster a positive ‘can-do’ attitude when tackling new challenges and so they aspire for success and aim for excellence.


The attached link is for the White Rose Scheme of Learning we are using within our Maths lessons


This year, we are following the NCTEM curriculum prioritisation which is linked with the DFE Ready to Progress Criteria. The aim is to ensure we are continuing to support children's mathematical development and ensure they have key skills required for each year group.

Please see the link below for the NCTEM curriculum prioritisation. 

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